The service can be used via an app on the smartphone: it is aimed to trace the routes taken outside your home and, in case of difficulty or disorientation, to locate the user and provide him/her with directions to return home and / or notify family members or personal assistants for help.
How to use the SAVE service
Thanks to a simple click on the SAVE service icon downloaded to our smartphone, we access a map that shows in real time our location and the path we need to take to go home. The service also requires if we want to request the assistance of a family member or another caregiver previously included in a special list. If yes, the selected person will receive a visual and sound message regarding the request for help and the spatial coordinates to be able to locate us.
Service Card
To enable registration of the users into the SAVE community, with the configuration – (re-)allocation & profiling of their access and manipulation rights. This sign-up is role-driven: the capabilities are growing from the end-user to the volunteer, to the family member, to professional caregiver and even to the IT specialist.
How to use the Subscription service
A “concentric” approach of the user interfaces (UI/UX) allows all kinds of stakeholders to act in an unified way, being able even to pass from a level to the other (e.g. a physician becoming less involved, could keep the monitoring rights of a caregiver). This would enable a simple re-configuration of the degrees of freedom, as the unique set of features and manipulations is only blocked-unblocked by the system administrator by masking the complete (and scalable, future-proof) capabilities system.
The purpose of this service is that after installing the devices (for example – the sensor kit, making / checking the internet connection, etc.) and installing the necessary applications on smartphones in support of the SAVE system, there will be training on how to use this system the users – elders, relatives, caregivers.
How to use the SAVE service
After installing the sensor kits, testing the internet connection, installing applications on the smartphone, it is done: training on simple technological devices for the elderly, professional caregivers, companies for the care of the elderly – for example. wearable bracelets that monitor fitness or facilities that make home activities safer (preventing house fires); training on communication with groups of colleagues and with local social and health authorities (for example, with smartphones and tablets); localization and routing training.
A user manual is provided, which will also be available online.
Physical A unique system capable to perform:
offering this way to both patient and medical doctor the possibility to track the medical history of the patient, storing automatically the clinical results into a cloud system. It can be launched either by the person, but in some cases (e.g. loss of consciousness) and should be launched automatically. In an emergency case it is important to permit asking for urgent help in a simple way.
How to use the SAVE service
Safety of the person is integrated with the safety of the vicinity – compliant with the integrated emergency alerting (medical, police, fire, etc) available in his country (SAVE aims to prove the concept of smart mediation to enhance alerts treatment and, on the other side, to discriminate real SOS from pre-filtered ”spam” generated by people with cognitive problems or by malicious use-abuse) how to make their home activities more safe (e.g. prevention of house fire), how to use intelligent furniture for safety (e.g. avoid falling) how to keep in touch with fellow groups and with local social and health authorities (e.g. with smartphones and tablets).
From this technological point of view, SAVE aims to contribute to the future of ”Emergency calls” that should assist people at ”both sides of the line” – not only end-users in need (that cannot open apps like Google Maps, not only because of cognitive impairment or lack of technical knowledge but even because of momentary extreme distress) but even volunteers or care-giving bodies operators that cannot interpret complex GIS (Geographical Information Systems) data.
How to use the SAVE service
A simple ”button to rule them all” can be pushed to alert those pre-configured ”to assist” – e.g. family members, medical assistants, private security companies or even the police and the fire brigade – the specific is the personalization of this pre-alerting, with the sending of coordinates and a link to Google Maps that marks the location where this button was pushed. A pre-set personalized message (about the condition of the sender – e.g. epileptic) should be attached.
Physical exercises for elders with support from volunteers. Adults aged 65 or older who are generally fit and have no health conditions that limit their mobility should try to be active daily. Examples of activities that require moderate effort for most people include: walking, ballroom and dancing, pushing different objects, playing table tennis (single, double).Muscle strength is necessary for: a) all daily movement; b) building and maintaining strong bones (improving their balance condition and their daily fit activities); c)maintaining a healthy weight.
How to use the SAVE service
The purpose of using this service is to keep intact the well being of elderly. The positive effect of organised physical activity on mental and physical health is well known. Elderly with support from volunteers they start exercise programs for muscle-strengthening exercises counted in repetitions and sets practicing in organization. The elderly are involved in different physical programs two times in a week. To be a part of using this service elderly should sign in the SAVE project. They will complete a Quality of Life questionnaire measuring well being status and their needs.
The purpose of this service is to increase security, prevent social isolation, participate in various programs or occasional activities and maintain the multifunctional network around the individual. This tool will help in the planning and carrying out of the daily activity in a safer and more efficient way, also care implies social motivation and involvement. Through the “To do” section of the application, the elderly user will be helped to remember/update the planned activities, they will be informed about the following activities, synchronized in the “personal cloud” of their relatives, friends and formal caregivers.
How to use the SAVE service
The “To do list” section of the application ensures a configuration for memory refreshing – gathering the following activities in a list – to help the end-user to remember/update activities. The “To do list” will include: a) a section with “mandatory” actions – e.g. medication administration – the elderly user will confirm the fulfillment of the requirements, otherwise alerts will be issued to the elderly and caregivers; b) a section with recommended/optional actions – administrative activities, participation in various programming or occasional activities; c) a section with the intended activities – and update of the immediate schedule term activities. The list can be updated both by the elderly user and by the caregivers
The service can be implemented as an Online Health Service (OnHS) and/or Offline Health Service (OffHS), both involving e-Health sensors used on-site at home: it is aimed to monitor physiological parameters of interest according to the recommendation of the caregiver. The data is either transmitted to and stored online (OnHS) or transmitted to the third party (e.g. caregiver within the regular interactions.
How to use Care Worker Safety in SAVE
OnHS scenario: the elder has a set of e-Health devices/sensors that he agreed to use according to the caregiver indications, and he was trained to use them at home/at Technology Club by a caregiver or a volunteer. The measured physiological parameters are going to be automatically collected from all e-Health sensors and sent to be stored and accessible in the SAVE cloud, where caregivers are allowed to monitor and act accordingly for the elders.
OffHS scenario: the elder has a set of e-health sensors that he agreed to use according to the caregiver indications. After the measurements are done, all the parameters of interest are manually checked and offline recorded by the elder and transmitted to the caregiver within the physical interactions with third parties.
The service provides an opportunity to the elders with actigraphy and stress assessments. Thus, it is aimed actigraphy (i.e. to trace the number of steps, heart rate, rest/sleep cycles, estimates the calories burned etc.), stress assessment (i.e. changes, awareness in terms of stress levels during the day and night etc.) and taking part to sessions of physical/social exercises for elders with support from volunteers.
How to use the SAVE service
Elders may use actigraphy and stress assessment services by wearing non-obtrusive body trackers (e.g. smartwatch, smartphone, smart ring, body sensors etc.) managing efficiently their well-being states. The services provide to the elders with aware information and recommendations for managing their physical and mental states, and further transmit data to SAVE cloud where caregivers/ informal care partners are allowed to monitor and act accordingly for the elders. In support, the elders are engaged also in a regular physical exercises service assisted by volunteers.
Seniors rely on their medications to keep them healthy, but complex medication schedules can lead to mistakes: missing doses, taking incorrect amounts, or taking medicines at the wrong times. A Medication Dispensing Service is designed to reduce the health risks associated with medication errors.
How to use the Medication Dispenser
Medication Dispenser is a simple way to handle even complex medication regimens. The medication dispenser automatically dispenses medication at pre-programmed times. And if the medication is not taken the dispenser will notify a caregiver.